Slow running gives you better health

The latest medical research, in Denmark, confirmed the importance of slow jogging, or what is called "slow jogging" and not fast, in order to enjoy better health, stressing that practicing this sport for about an hour per week works to promote the health and physical condition of the human being.

Dr. Peter Schenauer, Professor of Public Health at the University of Copenhagen and supervisor of research development, stressed that slow jogging for about one to two hours per week is linked to a lower death rate, so that these rates increase with the increase in hours of exercise this week.

The researchers, they conducted their research on 5048 people, to be questioned about the rate of their daily activity, to track about 1098 people who practiced the sport of healthy enemy, as well as 413 people who lived a healthy life without practicing the sport of the enemy for 12 years, the results showed that the healthy enemy of jogging Slow motion contributed to the decline in early mortality rates with prolonging the life span of a person, compared to people who followed a healthy lifestyle without exercising.

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