The start of handing over the tablets

The Ministry of Education and Technical Education will begin handing over the "tablets" to first secondary school students, starting next November.

The government contracted with Samsung to buy about 650,000 tablets for distribution to first-year high school students for 2019/2020.

An official source at the Ministry of Education and Technical Education told Masrawy that the ministry is intensifying its efforts to end the process of handing "tablets" to first-grade students in two batches, the first batch starting from November.

He added that the second batch will be delivered only two weeks after the first delivery, so that all students of the first and second grades of secondary school can perform the first semester exams scheduled for the period between January 11 and 23 next, electronically.

The students of the first and second grades of the first semester take the first term exams electronically at the same time, during two morning periods for the first grade students, and evening for the second grade students, and the same thing is repeated in the second round exams that begin next May, according to the Minister of Education.

The Ministry of Education launched the modified secondary system for the first secondary school, starting from last year 2018/2019, which aims to change the standardized examination system to electronic exams, amend the evaluation method and cancel the grading system, and the quality of questions from measuring memorization and telephony to conservation skill understanding and thinking

The purpose of using the tablet in the first secondary school is to provide all students in this class with a full and equal opportunity to obtain the extremely rich digital content on the tablet, which provides curricula, multimedia explanations and training tests, in addition to the vast knowledge bank content.

1 comment

  1. التكنولوجيا هي مجرد أداة . فيما يخص تحفيز الأطفال و جعلهم يعملون معا فإن المعلم هو الأهم

