Reuse of old clothes may save our planet

With the onset of spring - the undisputed fashion month - new cries begin to take off, and everyone is undoubtedly excited to try the bright spring colors after suffering that lasted for months with darker winter colors.

But this spring (2019) carries a completely different fashion than that spread in previous years.
New fashion is not the most popular fashion this spring.
Rather, the latest trend is to recycle old clothes, such as dresses, tops, coats, and shoes, that you already own and flick them, change their style, and then wear them instead of buying new things.

According to the American magazine Glamor, this year's shout is "stop buying new clothes", but why?

Reusing old clothes was fashionable in the past
 In the past, wearing your old clothes was not at all fashionable.
This was what motivated many to continue buying new clothes even if they did not need them.
In Britain, for example, the percentages of buying new clothes are the highest ever.
Where the British buy clothes more than any other European country, according to a recent statistic.
 The average consumer buys around 26.7 kg of clothes a year.
Our high consumption of new clothes is leading to serious repercussions on our planet, especially in light of the boom in high-speed fashion and the provision of brands for faster and easier methods of electronic shopping.

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