Why Arab food is healthy

Arab and Middle Eastern food, except that it is rich and delicious, has many compounds that maintain health. Here are some reasons and models!

Eat a lot of vegetables: Vegetables contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals, antacids and substances that strengthen the body and help it remove various toxic substances. It helps with proper digestion, prevents aging and prevents cancer, so it is preferable to add a variety of vegetables to each meal of different types and colors.

Traditional home food: Traditional food is not only tastier and delicious, but also healthier. Commercial and fast food that we eat around the world contains additives taste, color, preservatives, sugar and salt in large quantities. These substances are not to enrich the body with useful substances, but to maintain a longer period for these foods on the shelves of stores, and to improve their taste in an exaggerated manner and lead to addiction to them. Therefore, home food contains more natural and healthy compounds.

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